Major Projects

Crisis Management


A multi-lingual web application to alert users regarding upcoming, and current disaster news along with nearby health centers details.

| Named Entity Recognition | Disaster Classifier | Disaster type classifier |

Live-Face Recognition


Live-Face Recognition module for authentication of users for the transaction of money on the corporation portal.
| Face Recognition | Face Liveliness |



A noise suppressor to mask the noise in the audio, projected on a server for processing a large amount of data.
| Noise detection | Noise Removal(Library) |

Lyrics Inducer


Lyrics Generator to create lyrics for given set of input words, using the NLP & LSTM and deployed using flask.
| Next Word Predictor |

Early-COVID Prediction


Fuzzy Inference System { FIS } to calculate the possibility of viral in a person by gathering data on breath patterns, oxygen saturation level, and body temperature.
| FIS | Automation of FIS |

Agricultural RASA Chatbot


Agricultural Chatbot to help the farmers with real-life problems such as enhancing the production, provide suitable suggestions for growing crops, educating them with their rights.
| RASA Chatbot | Docker deployment |

Certification and Research work


Machine Learning Intern : Cenaura Technologies , Mumbai

Developing an automated ‘Hydroponic Farming’ system for lettuce to grow efficiently under a simulated environment using computer vision for disease detection, developed a fuzzy system for disease health grading, and yield estimation using deep learning. Worked on an R&D project for Pre-COVID Estimation to analyze the possibility of the COVID (in percentage) using body temperature, oxygen saturation, and breath pattern to create an auxiliary mask using the Fuzzy Inference System in python.

Machine Learning Intern : Therex Technologies , Mumbai

Worked on Human-AI hybrid technology: HITL (Human In The Loop) and CC (Cognitive Computing). Created an AI module 'Denoiser' using Deep-Learning-fundamentals to detect and reduce the specific type of noise present in the audio.

Machine Learning Intern at Blocklogy Edutech , Mumbai

Collaboratively worked with a team of 2 under the guidance of a mentor, researched, constructed, and improved a moral, and reliable 'Agricultural Chatbot' to help the farmers with real-life problems based on cultivation, resources they can use and a lot more, by using Rasa-NLU and Rasa-Core. Created a Job Recommender System based on the skills present on a resume by using ML in python.

Frontend Developer at St. Francis Exprove Tourisms, Mumbai

My job was to build a real-world ‘Tourism Website’ to guide the tourists through the available packages and deals along with the facilities provided using frontend basics and javascript. After a sucessful implementation, within next month there was increased visitors on the website.

Technical writer on Medium

Contributer to the open community of medium, already posted articles like ‘Lyrics Generator with essentials of LSTM and NLP using TF’ along with my intuitions and methodologies, received appreciation from Medium Analytics Vidhya officials and the readers


An adaptable individual pursuing a Bachelor's Degree in CS space. I am a brisk learner, a keen explorer of the AI realm, and a dedicated contributor to the open community of learning. Adept at classification, data analysis, and visualization, proficient in effectively building deep learning, models,analyzing results and insights for various ventures. Decently adept. Love working with Neural Networks. Flourishing Engineer with the capacity to apply ML methods to genuine versatile industry problem.Aspiring for the opportunity to develop skills, use my abilities, and learn new encounters.

  • Name : Manmohan Dogra
  • Age : 21 Years
  • Experience : 1+ Years
  • Location : MUMBAI, India
  • e-mail :
  • Phone +9137379084

Minor Projects

My Resume

A resume speaks the personality.